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認識『歹丸,哩厚!』About Taiwan Liho

"Li Ho" means "Hello" in Taiwanese.
Liho! We are college students and we love adventure, foods, and Taiwanese culture!

We believe that TRAVEL is the best way to understand a culture and to boost creativity.
Our aim is to provide interesting information for travelers and different viewpoints from the youngsters in Taiwan.

Enjoy your trip in Taiwan!

我們是歹丸哩厚團隊,熱愛這片土地上的一切,認為旅行不只是對繁忙生活的短暫逃離,更是對一片土地靈魂的認識。我們透過中英雙語,讓外國人也看見台灣之美! 此外,也相信台灣年輕人需要積極發聲,需要來自各界的交流與刺激。因此建立了這樣的言論與資訊平台,提供讀者有趣,有深度,有反思,有刺激的文章。


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