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Cool for the Summer │ 8 Summer Resorts 夏日清涼8避暑勝地


Scorching summer sticks you to the air conditioning room all day long? But wait. Outdoor activities in summer don’t necessarily make you sweat to death. Here are 8 perfect summer resorts in 3 cities of Taiwan we recommend. Those recommended spots are greatly suitable for traveling on hot days. Believe that you can also feel cool for the summer trip!

1. 南投縣竹山鎮 忘憂森林




1. Blissful Forest, Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan

Blissful Forest is also called “misty forest” because it’s shrouded by mist all the time. This spot is formed by the swamp and silt after 921 Earthquake, the most devastating earthquake in Taiwan. Chinese fir died from being soaked in water for long, and thus formed this unique scape. A whole field of Chinese fir, towering and naked, points to the sky and creats a scene of gloom and solemn. It is heard that the scape has the magic power which can release people from worry and frustration, and that’s why it’s called “Blissful” forest. In addition, Blissful forest also has a good reputation for its resemblance for “Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area” in China. Therefore, many photographers come here to take beautiful and unique photos. You can see that Blissful forest is definitely a charming tourist attraction in Taiwan!

Opening hours: 10:00-17:00, Sunday to Tuesday, Friday to Saturday

Ticket information: Regular Tickets NT $ 200 per person, Holiday NT $ 250/ Excursion Ticket NT $ 150 per person, Holiday NT $ 200/ Half-price Ticket NT $100, Holiday NT $ 125/ Group Ticket NT $ 180 per person, Holiday NT $ 220

2. 南投縣鹿谷鄉 溪頭自然教育園區(溪頭森林遊樂區)





詳細資訊請洽 : 官方網站

2. Xitou Nature Education Area, Lugu Township, Nantou County, Taiwan

It can’t be more suitable to visit the lush forest and breathe in fresh air in summer! Xitou Nature Education Area has always been one of the famous and popular tourist attractions in Central Taiwan for both adults and children. Though in recent years, there are more and more other tourist attractions in Taiwan, the emerald forest and the sounds of nature created by stream and forest insects in Xitou Nature Education Area are never forgotten by tourists. Undoubtedly, it’s always been a wonderful and adorable summer resort in Central Taiwan!

Opening hours: 7:00-17:00, everyday

Ticket information: Regular Tickets NT $ 200 per person, Happy hour NT $160/ Excursion Ticket NT $ 150 per person, Happy hour NT $120/ Half-price Ticket NT$100, Happy hour NT $80/ Special Ticket NT $ 10 per person, Happy hour NT $10

Parking fees: NT $ 100 per day

For further information: Click Here

3. 南投縣竹山鎮 杉林溪森林遊樂區





詳細資訊請洽 : 官方網站

3. Sun-Link-Sea Forest and Nature Resort, Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan

When it comes to the summer resort, you can never forget Sun-Link-Sea Forest and Nature Resort! Sun-Link-Sea is located at the altitude of 1600-1800 meters, with the average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius in summer, which is very suitable for vacation. There are millions of hectares of Chinese fir in Sun-Link-Sea, and that constitutes the most abundant forest area. Moreover, it is the place not only to escape from the blazing sun in summer, but also to appreciate various kinds of flowers for all seasons. There are Azalea, Christmas berry and Taiwan Cherry (a kind of cherry blossom) in spring, Cosmos and Hydrangea in summer, Maple in fall, and Winter Sweet in winter. If you love flower viewing, then you must visit here! Sun-Link-Sea won’t let you down!

Opening hours: 24Hr, everyday

Ticket information: Regular Tickets NT $ 250 per person/ Excursion Ticket NT $ 200

per person/ Special Ticket NT $ 150 per person

Parking fees: Large vehicles. Small Vehicles NT $ 100 Per vehicle

For further information: Click Here

4. 南投縣仁愛鄉大同村 清境農場



  1. 「長城步道」全程250公尺,站在步道上,可盡覽群山美景,俯瞰翠綠草原遊人與羊群嘻戲,好一幅瑞士牧野風光。

  2. 「櫻花步道」全程500公尺,二月櫻花季時,漫步在此步道可欣賞到兩旁的櫻花樹滿開的美景。

  3. 「茶園步道」全程500公尺,在此可欣賞到茶園的美景。

  4. 「落日步道」全程1000公尺,是觀賞清境特有奇景,紅落日的最佳地點,放慢節奏感受一下浪漫的氣息。

  5. 「翠湖步道」全程2300公尺,一邊是梯田式的茶園、一邊可眺望碧湖美景,美景盡收眼底讓人心曠神怡。

  6. 「觀山步道」全程500公尺,成群的牛、綿羊在大草原上遊走,可與療癒的牛隻、綿羊做近距離的接觸。

  7. 「柳杉步道」全程750公尺,杉群林是尋幽靜謐,享受森林浴最佳去處,享受芬多精的洗禮。

  8. 「步步高升」全程800公尺,顧名思義是拾階而上的一條步道,路旁的楓樹與梅樹在秋季時顯得特別美麗,階梯的頂點為壽山園可觀賞雲海的千變萬化。




詳細資訊請洽: 官方網站

4. Qingjing Farm, Ren’ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan

Situated at the altitude of 1750 meters, Qingjing Farm has diverse theme areas including Sheep Area, Pasture Area, Fruit and Vegetables Area, and Alpine Flower Area. There are also feature attractions such as “Small Swiss Garden,” at which people can enjoy the Northern European atmosphere, and the most popular attraction “Green Green Grassland.” Green Green Grassland is an open pasture ground for livestock such as sheep and cows to roam and graze freely. Visitors are able to see the animals up close and interact with them. What’s better, there are amazing “Sheep-shearing Show” and “Horse Riding Show” for visitors to enjoy. If you love interacting with animals, then you will definitely love this attraction!

Additionally, Qingjing Farm designs 8 Trails for visitors to choose,

  1. The Great Wall Trail: Great Wall Trail offers a great view over the plains from the trail.

  2. Sakura Trail: During the sakura (cherry blossoms) seasons in February, people must not miss Sakura Trial. As a matter of fact, there are visitors who come to this trail just to see the beauty of blossom sakura.

  3. Tea Garden Trail: Tea Garden Trail is a trail that oversees the tea garden.

  4. Sunset Trail: As implied by its name, Sunset Trail is a great option for visitors to take leisure walk with their relatives and friends during the hours of sunset in order to see Qingjing’s unique, romantic, touching, and wonderful view.

  5. Jade Lake Trail: Jade Lake Trail is a relaxing hiking trail with tea farms and lake along the way.

  6. Guangshan Trail: Guangshan Trial brings people a view of faraway mountains shrouded in mist and spacious grassland. Visitors are able to see sheep strolling on the grass and have a close contact with them.

  7. Cryptomeria Trail: Cryptomeria Trial is a trail which cuts through the woods, the best route for a walk in the forest.

  8. Qingjing 487-Steps Trail: Located between the visitor center and the Guanshan area of Qingjing Farm, the 487-Step Trial is a mountain-side staircase where visitors can closely observe mountain trees, plum trees, and butterflies up close. The trial is especially beautiful during the autumn season, and takes around 30 minutes to walk one day.

Opening hours: 8:00-17:00, everyday

Ticket information: Adult Ticket NT $ 160 per person, Holiday NT $ 200/ Student Ticket NT $ 120 per person, Holiday NT $ 120/ Gruop Ticket NT $120, Holiday NT $ 160/ Senior Ticket NT $ 80 per person, Holiday NT $ 100

For further information: Click Here

5. 嘉義縣 阿里山森林遊樂區






5. Alishan National Scenic Area

Alishan National Scenic Area is the most famous national scenic area in Taiwan, and it is also many travelers’ first choice in summer. Alishan is shrouded with cloud and mist all the year, nurturing the most prosperous Cypress in the world. Besides Taiwan red cypress, there are even many rare living fossils in it. Alishan is a mountain area which is composed of 18 mountains. It belongs to the branch range of Jade Mountains at the altitude of 2,216 meters. Alishan is one of the most popular attractions for Taiwanese, well-known for its 5 special features, including sunrise, sea of clouds, sunset glow, logging railroad and sacred trees. Alishan was one of the three biggest forest areas ever in Taiwan, thus there are plentiful forest scapes in it.

Japanese government starts logging industry here since 1895. Strolling at Alishan National Scenic Area, visitors can not only enjoy the Phytoncid of the forest, but reminisce the ancient period.

Opening hours: 24Hr, everyday

Ticket information: Regular Tickets NT $ 300 per person (NT $ 200 for people with ID card of Taiwan (ROC))/ Excursion Ticket NT $ 150 per person (with ticket of public transportation) / Special Ticket NT $ 10 per person

Parking fees: Small Vehicles NT $ 100 / Scooters NT $ 20

For further information: Here

6. 花蓮縣秀林鄉銅門村 慕谷慕魚




6. Mukumugi, Sioulin Township, Hualien, Taiwan

Here’s the most beautiful wonderland in Eastern Taiwan! Travelers who have visited Mukumugi would never forget the blue sky, shiny sun, emerald mountains, and the cool and clear stream water there. The picturesque scenery never fails to make visitors hold their breath. Mukumugi consists of Mugua River and its tributary. The most special part is its riverbed is composed of marble. Moreover, the stream is dark green, with Emerald Valley standing beside, forming a magnificent scene. This spot is the must-go attraction recommended by many people! In addition to appreciating the scenic spot with eyes, you can jump into the cool river to feel exhilarating as well. This should be the biggest enjoyment in such scorching hot summer!

Opening hours: 7:30-16:00, everyday (Occasionally close as natural disaster happens. Visitors have to check out the information before going.)

Precautions: Visitors have to apply for the entrance admission in advance. Apply through the register website 7-30 days before going, or take your identity card or driving license to Tongmen police station at presence.

7. 花蓮秀林鄉 砂卡噹步道



7. Sakadang Trail, Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan

Besides Mukumugi, Sakadang Trail is also the must-visit tourist attraction that many people recommend in Hualien. Sakadang Trail is in Taroko National Park. The total distance is about 4.1 kilometers. Walking along the trail, you can see clear stream, magnificent wrinkles of rock and emerald forest. The marbles and gneiss of all sizes lay at the riverbed, and when the stream rushes through it, you can hear the beautiful sound of nature. The melody combined with the picturesque rocks and mountain walls makes the spot just like a paradise. However, remember that Sakadang Trail is not allowed to play in the water due to its rapid flow. For safety, visitors can only appreciate the scenery along the trail.

Opening hours: 24Hr, everyday

8. 花蓮壽豐鄉 砂婆噹溪水源地



8. Water-head Area (Sha Po Dang Lake), Shoufeng Township, Hualien County, Taiwan

When it comes to playing water in Hualien, Sha Po Dang Lake is absolutely your first choice! Visitors don’t have to apply for the admission to enter, and the spot is just near the urban area of Hualien. Sha Po Dang Lake means “much rain” in aboriginal Atayal’s language. It is the water-head area of Hualien. The most exciting thing is that the deep pool formed at the check dam of the upstream is the diving paradise. SPA, rock climbing, diving and river tracing are all popular activities for fervent visitors here. Sha Po Dang Lake is not only loved by travelers very much, but it is also the water paradise for Hualien residents!

Opening hours: 24Hr, everyday

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