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Cool for the Summer│關於豆花與八間店舖 8 Awesome Dohua Shops


Douhua is a traditional snack in Taiwan, made from soy bean, adding gypsum or plant starch into hot soymilk that help form the smooth and creamy pudding texture. In Taiwan, we have Douhua with brown sugar or sweet ginger syrup. It usually serves with hot syrup in cold days and shaved ice in summer.


傳統上的豆花分為鹹甜兩種,台灣、東南亞及中國沿海等地通常加入紅糖或黑糖水食用,反之,在中國其他地區稱豆花為豆腐腦,往往是以「鹹」的配料(如:蔥蒜、香油、辣椒等等) 來食用。



# 健康養生的



台北深坑張大谷養生豆花, 歷經四代傳承,招牌打著養生的口號,就是因為黑芝麻以及杏仁兩種特別的搭配。




Chang Da Ku Douhua

Shengkeng district is famous for its tofu and of course douhua. Chang Da Ku Douhua, located in Shengkeng, with its special toppings, black sesame and almond, it becomes popular for people who like healthy diet.

Also, it provides several options for customer who’s looking for “chewy” snacks, it has boba, basil seeds and red bean boba toppings.

● 新北市深坑區深坑街16號

No.16, Shenkeng St., Shenkeng Dist., New Taipei City

● 營業時間

週四 THU 14:00 – 20:30

週五 FRI 14:00 – 20:30

週六 SAT 13:00 – 21:00

週日 SUN 12:30 – 21:00





Different from most of the Douhua Shops, besides red beans and peanuts, SAO DOUHUA provides watermelon, mango and banana as your douhua toppings. The chopped fruit, fruit smoothie and sago, it’s definitely going to satisfy your fruit craving because these fruits are the best in Taiwan.

● 台北市大安區敦化南路一段236巷36號一樓

No.36, Ln. 236, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City

● 營業時間

周一到周六 MON-SAT 11:30-22:30

週日 SUN 11:30-21:30

● 臉書Facebook: 請點此


話說沒有名字的店面往往是最厲害的! 上網搜尋民生路這間無名豆花,每一篇的標題都寫著「加料加到滿出來!」「CP值爆表!」

原因就是一碗35元的豆花,可以自助加料! 如果客人太客氣加得不夠多,老闆娘還會幫你加到滿! (或是直接算你30元)

傳統的配料一應具全,冰塊還是古早的鑽石冰! 豆花也是純手工製作!




Basically, it’s a douhua “stand” rather than a shop. It has no name but tons of customers EVERYDAY. What’s so special?

At this tiny stand, you can add the toppings on your own! You can add as much as you want as long as they’re in your paper bowl. The best thing of all is that it only costs NT$35! If you’re a lover of boba, red beans, green beans, taro balls, you should definitely visit here.

● 台中市西區民生路142號

No.142, Minsheng Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

● 營業時間

週一至週六 MON-SAT 13:30~17:00 (週日店休 Closed on Sunday)


位在網美集散地-審計新村附近的美軍豆乳冰,是一間可愛的文青小店,吸引許多少女前去光顧打卡。口味上也比較年輕,有抹茶、巧克力、草莓和豆乳四種選擇。有別於傳統豆花會加入糖水,他們家的豆乳冰是直接配上綿綿冰一起食用。採用台灣黃豆,經過無農藥篩檢,配料也不是香料味,品質保證。最重要的就是賞心悅目的外觀啦! 難怪是Instagram的熱門打卡之一!


If you love to Instagram your food, here is the place for you. With its clean and cozy interior design, many young girls in Taiwan love to visit here, just to take some photos to post on Instagram. The toppings here are also quite different from the others. It has matcha, chocolate and strawberry flavors. Also, their douhua does not serve with syrups but with ice cream and shaved ice.

For those who want to take some nice photos and try out new ways to have douhua, come and visit Taichung!

● 台中市西區民生路380-2號

No.380-2, Minsheng Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

● 營業時間

MON-SUN 12:00-21:00 (無公休)

● 臉書Facebook: 請點此

台南 無名豆花-永福店



Just some douhua and one topping at once, you may want to try out this NO NAME DOUHUA that has more than 70 years history. From peddling along the street to finally own a shop, the douhua they sell here will never let you down.

● 台南市中西區永福路二段184號

No.184, Sec. 2, Yongfu Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City

● 營業時間

週一至週五 MON-FRI 11:00-21:00 / 週六週日 SAT&SUN 11:00-22:00

週二公休 Closed on Tuesday

● 臉書Facebook : 請點此

台南 南國黃豆




(小知識: 傳統上,製作豆花的凝固劑常使用鹽滷或是石膏。鹽滷是在海水蒸發製鹽過程中所產生的液體,多食無益(可能會拉肚子),所以大部分是拿來做微量的補充或是凝固劑。)


You may visit Tainan for it various and super delicious culinary, but you may not notice this shop that sells douhua with 100% Taiwan Soy Bean. NAN GUO DOUHUA focuses on the types and quality of soy beans to create a different flavor from the others. Also, different from most of the douhua that is made out from gypsum or plant starch, it uses a traditional method that adds bittern to form the jelly texture. Because of this unique method, their douhua might taste a bit salty. It’s douhua flavors are also unique, it has sweet logan and sweet lemon white gourd juice two options. If you want to try this unique douhua, don’t forget to visit NAN GUO DOHUA the next time you visit Tainan.

● 台南市北區開南街143巷2號

No.143-2, Kainan St., North Dist., Tainan City 704

● 營業時間

週二至週六TUE-SAT 8:30-13:00 / 15:00-19:00

● 臉書Facebook:請點此


來到王家豆花,最特別的就是他們的金桔豆花! 酸酸的金桔檸檬,配上特製的糖水,酸甜的味道,深受許多人的喜愛。在炎熱的夏天,來一碗冰涼酸甜的味道,既消暑又解膩,來到高雄一定要去嚐一嚐!


After knowing all those sweet flavored douhua, you should not miss this one. THE WANG’S has sweet and sour flavor of douhua ! That is douhua with Kumquat and lemon juice plus a bit syrup. In such a hot summer, you probably lose appetite for all the awesome foods in Kaohsiung, so why not visit this douhua shop first, it will definitely help you to cool down and get your appetite back.

● 高雄市鹽埕區新樂街213-6號

No.213-6, Xinle St., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City

● 營業時間

週一至週日MON-SUN 09:00-20:00


以吃豆花之名,行吃冷凍芋之實。這間豆花和冷凍芋都被激推的甘家冷凍芋,讓小編好難抉擇到底該不該捨棄阿! 雖然招牌是冷凍芋,但滑嫩的豆花,也是許多人心中的豆花 No.1 呢!



In Kaohsiung, douhua shops usually sell sweet cold taro too. Here at THE GAN’s, as sweet cold taro is SUCH A FAMOUS SNACK, you must order a bowl of douhua, a bowl of cold taro, and have them together. A taro lover should not miss this one.

● 高雄市苓雅區自強三路113號1樓

No.113, Ziqiang 3rd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City

● 營業時間

周一至周日 MON-SUN 11:00-14:00;17:00-23:00

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