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You Are My Valentine│Our Selection of Chocolate 七夕精選7家巧克力


It’s Chinese Valentine’s Day ! You might think a box of chocolate for Valentine’s Day is cliché, but, admit it, we human just can’t resist the sweet flavor and silky texture.

So here we got 7 chocolate brands in Taiwan, just for you to enlighten the chocoholic in your life.

1. 畬室 Yu Chocolatier

於今年六月榮登《世界巧克力大賽‧International Chocolate Awards亞洲賽區》拿下四銀一銅的畬室主廚鄭畬軒,今年推出此款七夕情人節巧克力 L'amour en rose,裡頭有著畬室的經典夾心巧克力、世界巧克力大賽中獲得銀獎的夾心巧克力、以及七夕限定的夾心巧克力,亮麗的桃紅色包裝印上點點愛心,就是要天下情人都甜蜜。



聯絡電話:02 2701 0792


The chef of Yu Chocolatier, Zheng Yu Xuan, won 4 silver medals and 1 bronze medal at Asia Pacific Competition 2017 International Chocolate Awards. This year, they launch the QiXi Chocolate, L'amour en rose. This chocolate box includes three different types of filled chocolate (Classic, Silver Medal, and the QiXi Special). With little hearts on fuchsia package, they want all love birds to feel happiness on this special day.

Shop Info

Address: No.4, Aly. 3, Ln. 112, Sec. 4, Ren’ai Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City

Tel: 02 2701 0792

Opening times: Mon-Sun 12:00~20:00 closed on every Wednesday

2. Du Rhône

Pertuiset先生在日內瓦Rue du Rhône街道開設巧克力店,高雅的品味很快地闖出名堂,逾百年的唯美堅持,使Du Rhône成為著名的當地名店。嚴選的可可豆,散發出濃郁細緻的香氣,以呈現100%大自然的純粹味道而自豪,並同時使用高品質的瑞士鮮奶調和可可,製作絲柔滑順的甘納許。今年推出了獨家情人禮組合,有什麼事能比收到鮮花與巧克力更浪漫呢?



聯絡電話:02 2514 9600​


Mr. Pertuiset opened his chocolate shop, Du Rhône at Rue du Rhône. Because of its elegant style, over a hundred year of craftsmanship, and perfection, the chocolate shop soon became famous in the area. Du Rhône is proud of their selected cocoa beans which are rich and aromatic. At the same time, Swiss milk with their chocolate makes smooth and silky Ganache. This year, it brings exclusive valentine gifts to couples. What can be more romantic than flowers and a box of chocolate!

Shop info

Address: 1F., No.166, Dunhua N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City

Tel:02 2514 9600​

Opening times: Mon-Sun 11:00~22:00

3. Chochoco Chocolate




門市專線: 04 2375 4848

營業時間:週一至週日 10:00 - 21:00

Chochoco Chocolate believes that temperature determines the taste of chocolate. They use deluxe cocoa with excellent ingredients and keep their chocolate at the best temperature. They wish to provide rich taste to the customers. This QiXi Festival, they launch the Jewelry Box series, including these key pieces, salted caramel coffee chocolate, lemon white chocolate, and sakura Daiginjo chocolate. Let’s enjoy this tipsy summer night!

Shop Info:

Address: No.122, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

Tel: 04 2375 4848

Opening times: Mon-Sun 10:00-21:00

4. Feeling 18 18度C巧克力工房




門市專線:04 9298 4863

營業時間:週一-週五 10:00-19:00 週六、週日 10:00-20:00

For chocolate, 18℃ is the best temperature for producing, preserving, and tasting. Different from the other shops in big cities, Feeling 18 chooses their own house as their shop location to avoid high rent. Therefore, they can use better ingredients to produce high quality chocolate. They launched Liqueur Chocolate Box on this Chinese Valentine’s Day. Creamy sweetness in liquid form, you must try it!

Shop Info

Address: No.20, Ci’en St., Puli Township, Nantou County

Tel: 04 9298 4863

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00~19:00 Sat&Sun 10:00~20:00

5. CoCa MaMa巧克力工坊

CoCa MaMa是一間不追求華麗的手作巧克力甜點店,選用最簡單、天然的食材,加上創意巧思製造出幸福的巧克力甜點。在去年七夕情人節設計出渲染巧克力並造成熱賣的CoCa MaMa,在今年依舊推出藝術感十足的潑墨彩畫巧克力禮盒,使用多種工具呈現潑墨效果,替深褐色的巧克力添增了幾許繽紛色彩。



門市專線:07 380 9158

營業時間:週一-週五 12:00-21:00 週六 10:00-18:00(固定週日公休)

CoCa MaMa is a handmade chocolate shop that don’t pursue luxurious style. It chooses the most natural, simplest food and combines its creativity to create blissful chocolate. Last year, it designed washes chocolate (apply color on chocolate and use drawing skill, washes) . And this time, it launches splash inked chocolate.

Shop Info

Address: No.170, Shuiyuan Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City

Tel: 07 380-9158

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 12:00~21:00 Sat 10:00~18:00 Closed on every Sunday

6. EZ Chocolat巧克力專賣店

肉麻的話說不出口,就讓巧克力與花幫你表白!位於高雄的EZ Chocolat有將近四十種巧克力,每天都會有十六款口味可以選擇。而這次七夕禮盒推出巧克力與乾燥花的組合,女孩們最愛的乾燥花配上藏心巧克力,如此絕配的組合必定會讓女孩們少女心都融化。



門市專線: 07 338 3371

營業時間:週一-週日 12:00-21:00

If you are too shy to say something sweet, it’s the perfect gift to help you win your lover’s heart! There are almost 40 types of chocolate in EZ Chocolate where located in Kaohsiung. Moreover, there are 16 choices for you to choose everyday. And this time, it combines chocolate and dried flowers as gifts. WHO would say no, isn’t it?

Shop Info

Address: No.51, Qingnian 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City

Tel: 07 338 3371

Opening times: Mon-Sun 12:00-21:00

7. Choco Choco

Choco Choco是花蓮首間手工巧克力專賣店,結合咖啡、巧克力與攝影展場的複合空間。老闆喜歡與大眾分享環保、海洋等議題,並會不定期地舉辦小聚會,讓喜歡藝術、攝影的人們聊聊天。Choco Choco手工製作巧克力甜點,並致力於創新,使用在地台灣食材開發新的可能性,十種不同風味的巧克力隱藏著花蓮獨特口味,這次的情人節就與另一半一同品嚐試試吧!



營業時間:營業時間 14:00~22:00 星期二公休

Choco Choco is the first handmade chocolate store in Hualien. It’s a space which combines coffee, chocolate and photo gallery. Its owner loves to share issues about environment and ocean, etc. If you love art and photograph, you will love this place. The shop owner insists on handmade chocolate and focuses on using local ingredients to create new possibility. This Valentine’s Day chocolate box includes 10 different flavors (AND 3 Hualien special flavors!!!). Let’s try on this QiXi Festival!!

Shop Info

Address: No.70, Zhongxiao St., Hualien City, Hualien County

Opening times: Mon-Sunday 14:00~22:00 Closed on every Tuesday

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