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How to Be Single |Enjoy Single Valentine 4項單身情人節的享受提案


Valentine’s Day DOES NOT belong to couples! Single people should definitely have fun and celebrate that day. Taiwan Liho came out with those 4 activities for you to spend your Single Valentine's Day.

1. 咖啡廳:沈澱心靈的好去處 Café: The Best Place to Find Yourself


In the relaxing afternoon, it's a good idea to bring a book with you in a café. You should make a good use of this day to refresh your mind and release your daily pressure. Just dive into the fantasy of the book! (Tip for one person in café: Remember to get a seat by the window. It will make you more comfortable and relax. )

2. 酒吧:與好友歡樂放縱夜晚 Bar: Call some friends to rock this night


Call some friends to drink in your favorite bar. You can chat with your friends, listen to soft music, and drink some cocktail. No lover stays by your side is ok, your friends will rock this Valentine's night with you.

3. 購物:買份想要的禮物犒賞自己 Shopping: Buy a Gift to Reward Yourself


Won't get any gift from a lover? It's okay. You can buy one for yourself!! Buying a gift that you've been wanting for so long from department stores or online shops. To celebrate the Single Valentine, you just need to be kind to yourself.

4. 舒服的窩:追劇、看球賽、日子照樣過 Home: Watch TV Shows, sports game. It's a normal day!


Honestly, Valentine's Day is another SAME OLD DAY!!!! You only need to do what you do as on the other normal days. It's happy to watch TV shows (like "Game of Thorn"HAHA) or sport games. As time goes by, the Valentine's Day is over, too. After doing those activities, it's time to go for bed and prepare for tomorrow.

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