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Ghost Month | The Story behind Ghost Month 鬼月的由來





The 7th month on the Chinese calendar is known as “Ghost Month” in Taiwan, and on 7/1, the gate to the Underworld will open at 11 PM and all of the ghosts will rush to the world of the living. There are many “Ghost Month taboos” that are complicated or even troublesome to some people. Also, there are different versions of the story behind this “Ghost Month”. If you are interested, keep reading!

The 15th day of Ghost Month is called Hungry Ghost Festival or Zhongyuan Festival. On this day, “Zhongyuan Pudu” is held in temples all over Taiwan, offering feasts to the wandering ghosts.

#Version 1 Mù Lián

The story behind this day is about a son and a mother. The son is called Mù Lián who is one of the followers of Buddhism. Mù Lián's mother is sent to hell because of her greed. To save his mother, Mù Lián starts his journey into hell.

As soon as he meets his mother, he tries to use his power to feed her. However, everytime she sees the food, she tries to swallow it right away, feeling scared that other ghosts might steal her food.

Buddha considers that she does not repent so he makes the punishment even worse. That is, whenever she tries to swallow food, it will turn into burning charcoal, making it impossible to eat.

Mù Lián can’t bare his mother's suffering, so he begs Buddha for his mother’s salvation. Buddha tells him that on 7/15 a ceremony must be held by monks, offering food for those wandering ghosts. In the end, his mother is saved. Now the ceremony is called Zhongyuan Pudu or Hungry Ghost Festival.

#Version 2 Zhu Yuanzhang

Another saying is that Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty, believes that the 7th month on Lunar calendar is a month comes with great fortune and favor. In order to have all the good lucks to himself, Zhu Yuanzhang has his men to tell everyone that this month is “Ghost Month,” which comes with bad lucks.

Whether you believe these stories or not, you can still experience all those religious ceremonies or activities all over Taiwan during this month.

On the first day of Chinese ghost month (lunar July), hundreds of locals light up torches to drive out evil spirits.


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